Annual Meeting and Safety Town Hall
The meeting in October 2023 was very successful with over 250 attendees.
Topics covered included LPRA business, crime and safety by Toronto Police and developments at the TTC and improving rider safety. Since the majority of the time and focus was safety, please see below key information from the evening.

Tips from Toronto Police Major Crime Unit
- Police would like us to report suspicious activity even if we do not see a crime being committed. It helps them see trends and identify areas to send patrols. Photos and videos are helpful. Call 911
- If you are the victim of a break and enter or car theft, any retaliation you take must be equal to the threat. For example, you cannot shoot an unarmed person just because they enter your house.
- Follow Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. See link:
cpted-principles/ - Use lighting to make your house more visible at night. Motion lights are helpful too.
- Perimeter Motion Detection ( different from Motion Lights)
- Make sure lights are high enough so that thief cannot unscrew them
- Place Neighbourhood Watch sign, alarm company sign, Beware of Dog sign on your property ( add a leash hanging over a railing outside , along with a dog water bowl)
- Adjust camera angles so you don’t just get the top of their heads as they break in!
- Security system or cameras on DVR ( non Wifi )
- Have your mail and packages picked up for you when you are away
- Have someone clear your snow when you are away
- If your house is broken into, exit the way you entered the house and try not to touch anything so police can process the crime scene.
- Wheel locks on cars work better than the Club on the steering wheel. They can easily cut your steering wheel off.
- Hide 2-3 airtags or gps trackers in your car so they are hard to find.
- Vehicle Kill Switch
- Security Film on Windows and Doors From a well known company or referal
- Door Plates and extra locks at top and bottom of doors
- Can view crime prevention info at:
cpted-principles/ - You can book a safety audit of your home where a Toronto Police officer will come and make recommendations on how to make improvements to your home to reduce the chances of you being a victim of a crime. Looking for link for this….In the mean time, call 53 Div if you want to book
- Visit at the Data Portal for Neighbourhood Stats (click Here ):Data Portal
- Don’t give travel plans to limo driver or post on social media or leave on your answering machine. If possible, get picked up for airport away from your home
- Talk to your family members and have a plan if someone breaks into your house while you are home